
Wednesday 28 August 2013


Today's Weddinsday will be the last for a while as I am about to take off to South America for our delayed honeymoon! Trekking through Machu Picchu isn't exactly the romantic beachside escape most newlyweds go for, but we already had a mini version of that in Noosa right after the wedding, which brings us to todays post of 'Minimoons'.

Weddings are hard work. So much organisation and planning goes into the day that it is often hard to look beyond the day itself. And if, like us, you are wanting an epic honeymoon on the other side of the world, it is almost impossible to plan both at the same time. Minimoons are the perfect solution. An easy, local escape long enough to let you unwind after the wedding crazy, but not so long that it uses up all your annual leave.

Até mais!

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